TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.


Amazing Field Trips and Guest Speakers

One thing that sets our program apart is our connection and access to actual working engineers and industry leaders who can bring their experience and insight to our students. This happens in two ways:

Field trips: Each session of the program features field trips to meet with engineers at their places of business. Last year our students:

  • Toured the main ConEd power generating plant in Manhattan, and met with the working engineers there
  • Toured Johnson Space Center in Houston and met with one of the original Apollo Program engineers as well as touring the facility
  • Toured at the Aerospace Corporation in Southern California, a defense contractor, and saw what they are up to
  • Visited the new construction at La Guardia Airport in NYC and got to go on the tarmac and see up close all of the challenges facing the engineers as they rebuild and add-on to one of the country’s busiest airports

TESI students on the tarmac at La Guardia Airport in NYC

TESI Talks and Panels: TESI Talks are when guest speakers come to our classrooms and give presentations about their careers and lives. The IEEE community is able to generate some amazing guest speakers for our students! Panels are when we bring in small groups of engineers to give presentations and to answer questions about what it is like actually working as an engineer and to explore the different disciplines of engineering like electrical, mechanical, aerospace and much more. TESI Talks and Panels occur in-class and on campus. We design it this way to give our students access to different kinds of engineers and to give us the opportunity to hear about their lives, background, careers, and futures. Because that is what this program is all about… having our students try on a new future now!

Guest speakers and panelists have different experiences and backgrounds.

  • The founders of start-up who came to discuss their business, their background, and why education and engineers matter
  • A senior engineer at ConEd with 30 years of experience in figuring out how to power the City of New York and especially what to do in times of crisis like in storms, hurricanes or other unforeseen events including 9/11 that can impact power on a regional scale and what ConEd can do about that. A fascinating talk that had our students on the edge of their seats!
A panel of young engineering professionals speak to TryEngineering Summer Institute engineering summer camp students about their career path and the work that they do.
IEEE Panelists discussing their careers at TAMU 2019

2020 Panels, field trips, and TESI Talks: We are in the process of organizing and confirming our 2020 Panels and Speakers. So check back often or simply call or email us for more information! 866-397-3367
