TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.

Learn more about
TryEngineering Summer Institute

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Request More Information Today

IEEE TryEngineering Summer Institute is a two week co-ed residential summer engineering program for students ages 13-17, held at three premier colleges and universities across the United States.

Unfortunately due to COVID-19, we have cancelled the 2020 summer program for the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We are looking forward to healthy and safe Summer 2021!

Fill out the form to receive more information about the TryEngineering Summer Institute, as well as this FREE infographic that highlights exciting engineering careers that make a difference. We will be hosting live webinars with projects that you can do at home and get all your questions about engineering answered with our live Spotlight on Engineers.

You can find the list of events and projects and more FREE Resources on our blog.

TryEngineering Blog: For Free Resources and more!

TryEngineering Summer Institute Infographic: How will you change the world? Engineering careers that make a difference

You can also get in touch with us by email or phone.


Phone: +1 866 397 2267
