TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.


TryEngineering Live: eMentoring STEM Professionals Virtually Support Student STEM Learning


Title: TryEngineering Live: Hands-on Design Challenge – eMentoring: STEM Professionals Virtually Support Student STEM Learning

Date: Thursday, June 11, 2020

Time: 12:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Duration: 1 hour

TryEngineering Live: Hands-On Design Challenge is a new series from TryEngineering and the TryEngineering Summer Institute.   How can you get a personal STEM eMentor for each of your students starting this fall? Join this virtual event to learn about STEM eMentoring with TryEngineering Together, a program offering sustained student support that is 100% virtual where each student is paired with a STEM professional to learn the real-life application of STEM through a full academic year correspondence.    In this virtual event, you’ll find out how to connect each of your students 1:1 with an active STEM professional for a full year of correspondence-based mentoring on a safe and secure platform with TryEngineering Together. All participants will be eligible to download a free curriculum unit on STEM careers, including 7 articles profiling different types of engineers!  

Join us to learn:

• How standards-based correspondence-driven curriculum guides each mentor/mentee pair to explore STEM topics and careers together

• How the hands-on design challenge within each unit enhances learning

• Why sustained mentor support is effective in nurturing STEM confidence and a STEM identity in students

• How 100% virtual mentoring can enable a wide-range of professionals to engage with your students, regardless of your location

• How our safe and secure platform combined with compelling STEM content and an active mentor keeps students engaged and motivated in STEM study that’s relevant

• Why this program works equally well for students in a classroom or at home due to physical distancing

• How you can apply for FREE participation in this program, and have your students each corresponding with a STEM eMentor starting in September 2020OUR SPEAKERS

Lisa Hamlin and Laura Woodside


Laura Woodside

Laura Woodside

Laura Woodside is the SVP of Education Products at Cricket Media. Laura leads a team focused on increasing education equity through innovation in the education publishing and digital learning products industries. Laura’s passion and expertise in global online collaborative learning, online mentoring and K-12 Education are used to create and support digital products that connect learners directly to each other and to the expertise and quality content they need to thrive. Laura is a National Board Certified Teacher with a Master of Science (M.S.) in Education from The Johns Hopkins University.

Lisa Hamlin

Lisa Hamlin

Lisa Hamlin is a veteran New York City educator. Her 3rd grade class participated in the TryEngineering Together Program for the past two academic years.
