
TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.


TryEngineering Live Virtual Series, also On Demand

TryEngineering Live Virtual Series: Hands-on Design Challenge & Engineer Spotlight

This new virtual series from TryEngineering and the TryEngineering Summer Institute will be highlighting lesson plans from TryEngineering.org during our Hand-on Design Challenge virtual event and our Engineering Spotlight virtual event will give a glimpse into the career and lives of engineers. 

TryEngineering Live: Hands-on Design Challenge Virtual Event

  • Session #6: Rubber Band Racer Lesson
    This session focuses on how to implement the rubber band racer lesson. The engineering design process and engineering habits of mind are discussed. Resources to explore more about automotive engineering and other engineering disciplines are shared.
  • Session #5: eMentoring: STEM Professionals Virtually Support Student STEM Learning (Partner Spotlight)
  • In this on-demand virtual event, you’ll find out how to connect each of your students 1:1 with an active STEM professional for a full year of correspondence-based mentoring on a safe and secure platform with TryEngineering Together. All participants will be eligible to download a free curriculum unit on STEM careers, including 7 articles profiling different types of engineers!
  • Session #4: Robots, Robots, Robots! (Partner Spotlight)
    In this on-demand virtual event, we’ll give you a tour of IEEE’s award-winning Robots Guide, a fun interactive site featuring hundreds of real robots, and we’ll also walk you through a printable set of worksheets for kids to use at home.
  • Session #3: Electric Lighting—Through the Lens of History (Partner Spotlight).
    In this on-demand virtual event, we highlight lesson plans from IEEE REACH, a program that provides free online resources that bring to life the relationship between science, technology, and society through the lens of history!  Watch and learn how your students can make an electric light bulb with a cardboard tube and pencil lead!
  • Session #2: Engineering Tomorrow (Partner Spotlight)
    This on-demand virtual event highlights lesson plans from Engineering Tomorrow, a nonprofit organization developed by engineers. Presenters walk through a virtual lesson plan focused on catapults and machine learning as well as on the corresponding Instagram challenge. The challenge allows high school students to engage in a competitive intellectual and creative exercise, while also giving them a way to connect with their peers during a time of physical separation.
  • Session #1:Critical Load Lesson
    This first session focuses on the issues civil engineers face with critical load and how to design a structure to hold excess weight. This lesson uses materials you can find at home.

TryEngineering Live Engineering Spotlight Virtual Event

  • Session #5: Erik Brewer
    Meet University Professor Dr. Erik Brewer, lecturer of biomedical engineering and Chair of Innovation and External Partnerships at Rowan University, while he discusses student projects that provided COVID-19 relief.
  • Session #4: IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society
    Are you interested in Oceanic Engineering? Hear from Grace Chia and Hari Vishnu from the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society. Learn what aspects of science, engineering, and technology address research, development, and operations pertaining to all bodies of water. This includes the creation of new capabilities and technologies from concept design through prototypes, testing, and operational systems to sense, explore, understand, develop, use, and responsibly manage natural resources.
  • Session #3: Mariah Manzano & Brianna McGovern
    In this Q&A session, we speak to two senior engineering students at Santa Clara University about their studies, what inspired them to pursue engineering, and their final projects: a tourist resource app for the Galapagos Islands and an offline media streaming app for educational use in rural Uganda.
  • Session #2: Professor William Oakes, P.E.
    Hear from our guest, William Oakes, a professor of engineering education at Purdue University. William was the first engineer to receive the U.S. Campus Compact Thomas Ehrlich Faculty Award for Service-Learning. He was also a co-recipient of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering’s Bernard Gordon Prize for Innovation in Engineering and Technology Education as well as the recipient of the U.S. National Society of Professional Engineers’ Educational Excellence Award.
  • Session #1: Burt Dicht
    Hear from our first guest, Burt Dicht, former Lead Engineer at Northrop Grumman and Rockwell Space Transportation Systems Division and current Director of Student & Academic Education Programs for IEEE Educational Activities.

If you are interested in engineering and you want to explore more about your potential future in the industry check out the TryEningeering Summer Institute. At this summer engineering program for high school students, you’ll explore various engineering fields, such as electricalcivilmechanical, and aerospace. Our engineering summer camp allows for you to meet and work alongside real life professional engineers, which can be a rewarding experience not found at other engineering camps.
