
TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.

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Help Us Spread the Word!

To request informational materials about the TryEngineering Summer Institute program that your organization can share, please fill out the form.

We're also happy to answer any questions you may have about the program and available scholarships. Together, we can help put more kids on the path to STEM careers.

Give Your Students a Critical Edge This Summer

IEEE TryEngineering.org has been equipping STEM teachers with free lesson plans and resources to help their students learn about engineering since 2006. The TryEngineering Summer Institute is the next step, designed to help teens connect what they learn in the classroom and through after-school STEM programs to the real world of engineering.

The TryEngineering Summer Institute gives students a hands-on look at a career with high growth potential—and participation in this program looks great on student college applications! In fact, many professors at leading engineering universities worldwide are IEEE members, and IEEE members also participate in the accreditation of university engineering programs throughout the United States.
