TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.

Videos of Our Engineering High School Summer Camp


See What is Possible this Summer!

Our longest and best video that really shows the many aspects of the program that make the Summer Institute such a fantastic experience.

Engineering Fun, Friends and the Future

Meet Antonio Del Valle, one of our Program Directors, and find out more about why the Summer Institute is such a life-changing experience!

VIP Field Trips

Our VIP field trips are days that engineering dreams are made of—and Super Saturdays are pretty awesome too! Antonio Del Valle, Director at TryEngineering summer institute on the campus of Vaughn College of Technology, explains.

Prep for the Future

When teens start thinking about being a different kind of superhero and know engineers change the world. So proud.

Watch what some of our summer Institute students have to say.

TESI in One Minute!

What makes the TESI program so amazing?
Watch and see!

TESI Change the World

See how our students are out to change the world! Engineering offers limitless possibilities. Come see for yourself if this is your future!
