TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.

Sparking Solutions Challenge

The Sparking Solutions Challenge Details:

  • Students are broken up into small teams and they work on their project every day
  • Each student leads a section of the project
  • All projects are presented TV-style in front of real judges, either in person or on Zoom
  • Parent will be able to watch the Zoom broadcast, it is the afternoon of the last day, your Program Director will send you think link during the program
  • This is about expanding who they know themselves to be, know that they are good enough, and become leaders



Click on the arrows on the sides of the projects above to look at some of the work produced last year for the competition.

The point of this part of our program is to provide a context for each student to grow, excpand, discover their voice, be empowered, be confident, and be powerful.

