TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.

About The TryEngineering
Summer Institute

Who are we?

TryEngineering Summer Institute is a partnership between IEEE and Summer Squares.

IEEE is the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology. Our more than 417,000 members in 160 countries, including more than 120,000 student members, help us provide the trusted "voice" for engineering, computing and technology information around the globe via highly-cited publications, conferences, technology standards and professional and educational activities.

Summer Squares, Inc. (SSI) is an exceptional provider of academic summer camps for schools, colleges and universities across the United States. SSI manages the daily operations of the TryEngineering Summer Institute.

How do we do it?

Organized in nine day sessions each summer, on college and university campuses across the United States, the TryEngineering Summer Institute engineering camp unites students from around the world—co-ed, between 13-17 years old—to:

  • engage in hands-on design challenges who love or have interest in science, building, or engineering
  • experience the work firsthand with behind-the-scenes tours with real-life engineers
  • discover not just what's happening today, but what's coming tomorrow, through conversations with renowned guest speakers and incredible TryEngineering Summer Institute counselors

Give us nine days, and we'll give you a new definition of what it means to be an engineer at our pre-college engineering program designed exclusively for our students by the team at the TryEngineering Summer Institute

Our History

The Summer Institute is a program of, which was launched in 2006 as the result of collaboration between IEEE, IBM and the New York Hall of Science. The goal of TryEngineering is to equip teachers with the skills to teach engineering lessons in the classroom, raise interest in engineering careers, improve access to high-quality educational resources, and show students how engineering can be a part of their future.


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Our Students and Parents Say...

From students:

“It was over all an amazing experience. This is the longest that I have ever been away from home without my family. It has been really fun forming the friendships that I have, especially over this short period of time.”

“Thank you so much for this opportunity. It has been one of a kind."

“My favorite aspects of the summer program were collaborating and learning from industry leaders and college students.”

"Thank you so much again for this amazing, eye-opening, and life-changing experience."

"It was my first ever camp and staff were amazing!"

"I like how the Summer Institute provides an introduction to a student's college life in the engineering field. Participating in hands-on projects and living in the dorm were amazing and fun experiences that I will not forget."

"I loved the experience, I made friends during the program and connections through IEEE that I enjoyed and cannot wait to continue to pursue the field of Electrical Engineering"

And from parents:

“TryEngineering gave my child an in-depth introduction to engineering. My child had the opportunity to build a drone, a smart car and launch rockets. The counselors, resident assistants and instructors were amazing! They were kind, encouraging and knowledgeable. It was an experience my child will never forget!”

“Thank you so much for offering [my son] access to this camp. He came home motivated, proud and even more certain a career in engineering is his goal.”

“[The program] really boosted [my son’s] confidence. Now he is actually excited about engineering and looking forward to going to college!”

“I’ve noticed a great change in my daughter after the [program]. She’s much more mature, more sure of herself; she acquired so much new knowledge.”

​"This summer was an incredible experience for my son. From start to finish the program was well run and thoughtfully planned."

"[My son] had fun and made some new friends. Gained confidence and excitement about the college experience."

"My son had an engaging and fun experience...we never heard from him so we knew he was enjoying it!"
