
TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.


Why You Don’t Need Engineering Experience to Attend the Summer Institute

The TryEngineering Summer Institute offers students incredible hands-on experiences in engineering and exposure to the top engineering campuses, companies, and centers, plus the opportunity to meet real-world engineers. Clearly it is going to be the perfect two-week summer camp for kids who are all about engineering!

TAMU group trip
Students at the Summer Institute at Texas A&M University.

But the Summer Institute is also the perfect camp experience for teens who are just beginning to explore the field, and even those who aren’t sure they’re interested in engineering at all. The only requirement for our program is a keen sense of curiosity.

Is your teen curious about …

  • Living on a college campus?
  • Exploring a new city?
  • Meeting new people?
  • Going outside of their comfort zone?
  • Gaining self-confidence and independence?

Then your teen belongs at the TryEngineering Summer Institute! Register now.

Our program is designed to introduce teens to the field of engineering, but they will come away with improved teamwork, communication, and creative thinking skills that will transfer to many facets of their lives, including their future field of study (in any discipline) and career. They’ll have the chance to live like college students on a prestigious campus, explore a new city, meet new friends, and get to know themselves in a way they never have before.

Of course, our hope is that they’ll also develop such passion for this exciting field that they will choose to pursue degrees and professions in engineering!

Our Introductory Program is perfect for students embarking on their first exploration of the engineering field. Anyone interested in learning more about this field will be challenged and inspired through fun and engaging classes and activities, field trips, speakers, and more.

Students who are returning to the Summer Institute for a second year, or who already have a strong grasp on engineering concepts, will benefit from our Advanced Engineering Program. The curriculum and coursework in this program builds in intensity, perfect for older and more experienced students who want to deepen their understanding of the engineering field.

For more information about the Summer Institute and a FREE infographic to share with your teen, complete this form today.

Celebrate National Engineers Week!

Founded by the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) in 1951, National Engineers Week (February 17-23, 2019) is all about increasing understanding of and interest in engineering and technology careers. This event promotes recognition of the importance of a technical education and a high level of math, science, and tech literacy, in hopes of motivating young people to pursue engineering careers. It’s a celebration of all things engineering and a way to recognize the positive contributions engineers make to our society and our quality of life.

Here are some suggestions for celebrating National Engineers Week:

  • tryengineering summer institute field tripUse our free resources to plan engineering activities with the kids in your life, whether your children, grandchildren, students, or youth group volunteers.
  • If you work in engineering, volunteer to be a mentor for Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day (February 21, 2019) and give girls the chance to think like engineers. You’ll be amazed by what you learn.
  • Try one of our engineering games, and learn while having fun!
  • Enroll your teen in this year’s TryEngineering Summer Institute and give the opportunity to explore this promising field during a two-week summer camp experience on a prestigious college campus, complete with behind-the-scenes field trips, guest speakers, and more. (Remember: “Early bird” special savings ends February 22, 2019.)

However you choose to celebrate National Engineers Week, be sure to take time to appreciate the marvels of engineering all around you and how they enhance our lives, from mega structures to wind turbines, engine work, medical treatments and devices, safety systems, and more. And if you know or meet an engineer, be sure to thank them for their contributions.

9 Things You Might Find at the TryEngineering Summer Institute

The TryEngineering Summer Institute is an inspiration in so many ways, helping students find their calling in the wonderful world of engineering. From design challenges to dorm living, students at the Summer Institute experience life on a college campus, get their feet wet in a promising field, and meet new friends who care about the same things they do.

For a glimpse of what you or your teen will experience this summer, check out these nine things you might find at one of our programs, and register today — spaces are limited!

Remember: “Early bird” special savings ends February 22, 2019.

9: Hands-on engineering lessonsTryEngineering Summer Institute students design project
Getting their hands on a project is the best way to learn.

8: Smiling faces
Student enjoy camaraderie in the classroom, working in teams to complete their projects.

7: Supportive fellow students
Students work together and push each other to succeed.

6: Superb story tellersTryEngineering Summer Institute trip
Spending time together in common areas on campus gives students time to connect outside of class.

5: Sunny outings
Students get off campus for fun outings to explore the surrounding area.

4: Time out for a friendly game of volleyball
Students have access to on-campus facilities for sports and other activities.

3: Photo-worthy field trips
Summer Institute students attend exclusive field trips to top engineering companies and centers for a glimpse at what their future could be like.

2: Cool treats
After all, it’s summer time!

1: Downtime fun
Sometimes just hanging out together creates some of the summer’s best memories. (Baby shark, do-do-do-do-do-do …)

10 New Year’s Resolutions in One Step

Many New Year’s resolutions are about changing bad habits — eating less junk food, watching less television — but they don’t have to be. Sometimes the easiest resolutions to keep are the ones with a more positive spin.

If you’re a student entering grades 7-12 next fall who wants to make improvements and achieve specific goals, IEEE can help! Cross these 10 resolutions off during one amazing two-week experience at the TryEngineering Summer Institute:

  1. Try something new
  2. Get engineering experience
  3. Meet new people
  4. Boost my resume for my college application
  5. Learn new trending skills
  6. Find something to do this summer
  7. Research college campuses
  8. Visit a city I’ve never visited before
  9. Take my guidance counselor’s advice
  10. Learn from someone who does something I think I might like to do for a living


Parents, the Summer Institute can help you with your New Year’s resolutions, too! Enroll your student and cross these items off your list:

  • Find something productive for my teen to do this summer
  • Encourage my teen to pursue new interests
  • Look for savings opportunities

In fact, here’s your first savings opportunity of the year: enroll your teen for the 2019 TryEngineering Summer Institute program before December 31, 2018, and save $200! IEEE Members, family and friends can save even more. Registration is open now.

2018 TAMU Students and Instructors

How Engineering Education Sets You Up for Any Career

Engineering students learn about engineering, of course. But they also gain skills that becomes transferable to a host of careers – some that may not even utilize the direct application of engineering principles!

An education in engineering teaches core skills that are highly employable across many different industries and professions. Therefore, employers are consistently interested in recruiting graduates of engineering programs.Group project work at the TryEngineering Summer Institute.

When you explore or expand your education in engineering at the TryEngineering Summer Institute, you’ll be well on your way to developing these employable skills:

  • Effective communication. By learning to present ideas in a confident, professional manner, engineering programs like the Institute prepare you for future communications with colleagues, bosses and the community.
  • Competence in application and practice. As an engineering student, you’ll learn how to properly utilize engineering techniques, as well as relevant tools and programs.
  • Interpersonal and teamwork skills. One of the most highly transferable employment skills you’ll develop is the ability to function effectively within a team and as the leader.
  • Problem solving skills. You’ll learn to identify problems, use logic and reasoning to identify solutions, and use objectivity when approaching implementation of solutions.
  • Understanding professional, social and ethical responsibilities. As a professional engineer, commitment to these principles is key.
  • Lifelong learning. Engineering students are taught the importance of lifelong learning and acquiring new knowledge and skills to benefit your career.

Don’t wait to develop these skills. Registration for the 2019 TryEngineering Summer Institute program is now open. Learn more and enroll today!
