TryEngineering Summer Institute

An exciting ten day, on-campus engineering camp for high school students held at premier universities across the United States.


No Engineering Experience Required for Teens at Engineering Summer Camps

The United States is known for its higher education opportunities. However, compared to many other leading and steadily emerging countries, the U.S. lacks a strong focus on educating scientists and engineers. Students should have adequate opportunities to explore science, technology, engineering and math, but sadly, many do not. How then, can they possibly be aware of engineering as a profession?

Engineering Programs: All Ability Levels
Engineering Programs: All Ability Levels


An Intel-commissioned study of 1,000 teenagers aged 13-18 found that 63 percent had never considered a career in engineering. The majority of teens in the study said they were more interested in engineering when they were able to understand what engineers do, such as delivering clean water to underdeveloped areas, designing protective pads worn by athletes, and constructing dams and levees that keep entire cities safe. The study showed that teens become more interested in engineering simply by learning about what engineers actually do and what opportunities exist for engineers.

  • 53% said they were more likely to consider an engineering career after they learned that engineers help make music and video games.
  • 52% said they would think twice about an engineering career when they learned how engineers can achieve widespread social benefit.
  • 50% said they were more interested in engineering when they learned of engineers’ roles in texting and social networking.

More than Engineering

At TryEngineering Summer Camps, students will discover the endless possibilities that the engineering field holds. This two-week experience is designed to create and support the engineers of the future by challenging and inspiring students to explore academic and career paths in engineering. They’ll participate in a broad range of hands-on activities, including building and launching rockets and building a robotic arm from everyday materials.

This exciting summer camp opportunity isn’t just about engineering, but also about experiencing life on a college campus, making new friends, and building a sense of confidence and independence.

Students develop a variety of skills as they work in teams to solve engineering challenges and present their projects. These skills include those at the top of the list of what employers are looking for and find lacking in the new workforce, such as:

  1. Communication
  2. Teamwork
  3. Adaptability
  4. Problem Solving
  5. Critical Observation
  6. Conflict Resolution
  7. Leadership

Register for Summer Camp Today

The only requirement for Try Engineering Summer Camps is curiosity! Don’t let your teen miss out on this amazing summer experience. Get all the details and register online today before space runs out.

All levels of students are accaepted into our program.  So whether you have little to no experience, or if you have a lot of engineering in your background… this program is perfect for you.



O’Dell, J. (6 Dec 2011). How to turn a teen into an engineer (study). VentureBeat.

Purcell, Karen D., P.E. (21 Oct 2015). 5 Ways to Get Girls into STEM. Edutopia.

Bortz, Daniel. (2018) Soft skills to help your career hit the big time. Monster Worldwide.


